Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s ?p ?o <>. }
- class type Statement assertion.
- protocol type Statement assertion.
- protocolClass type Statement assertion.
- protocolProfile type Statement assertion.
- protocolSut type Statement assertion.
- protocolTask type Statement assertion.
- systemUnderTestClass type Statement assertion.
- systemUnderTestLabel type Statement assertion.
- paperValue type UriPlaceholder assertion.
- assertion type AssertionTemplate assertion.
- protocol type LocalResource assertion.
- systemUnderTest type LocalResource assertion.
- protocolMetricValue type LiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- sutLabelValue type LiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- sutVersionValue type LiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- comment type OptionalStatement assertion.
- paper type OptionalStatement assertion.
- produced type OptionalStatement assertion.
- protocolMetric type OptionalStatement assertion.
- systemUnderTestValue type OptionalStatement assertion.
- systemUnderTestVersion type OptionalStatement assertion.
- produced type RepeatableStatement assertion.
- protocolMetric type RepeatableStatement assertion.
- systemUnderTestValue type RepeatableStatement assertion.
- assertion type UnlistedTemplate assertion.
- systemUnderTestValue type GroupedStatement assertion.
- commentValue type LongLiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- protocolProfileValue type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- producedValue type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- protocolTaskValue type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- type label "has type" assertion.
- label label "has label" assertion.
- citesAsDataSource label "cites as data source" assertion.
- comment label "has comment" assertion.
- assertion label "Describing a benchmark performed with RiverBench" assertion.
- ASSERTION label "This benchmark" assertion.
- hasFollowedProtocol label "has followed benchmark protocol" assertion.
- hasProducedDataset label "has produced dataset" assertion.
- hasVersion label "has version tag" assertion.
- commentValue label "comment – any relevant information about the performed benchmark" assertion.
- usesProfile label "uses RiverBench profile" assertion.
- usesTask label "uses RiverBench task" assertion.
- usesMetric label "uses benchmark metric" assertion.
- usesSystemUnderTest label "uses system under test" assertion.
- usesProfile label "PURL of the used RiverBench profile, e.g.," assertion.
- paperValue label "DOI link to the benchmark paper:[DOI]" assertion.
- protocolMetricValue label "metric from the benchmark task, e.g., "Load time"" assertion.
- producedValue label "link to dataset with benchmark results, if available" assertion.
- paper statementOrder "3" assertion.
- comment statementOrder "2" assertion.
- protocol statementOrder "20" assertion.
- class statementOrder "1" assertion.
- protocolClass statementOrder "21" assertion.
- protocolTask statementOrder "22" assertion.
- protocolProfile statementOrder "23" assertion.
- protocolMetric statementOrder "24" assertion.
- systemUnderTestValue statementOrder "30" assertion.
- produced statementOrder "4" assertion.
- class subject ASSERTION assertion.
- comment subject ASSERTION assertion.
- paper subject ASSERTION assertion.
- produced subject ASSERTION assertion.
- protocol subject ASSERTION assertion.
- protocolClass subject protocol assertion.
- protocolMetric subject protocol assertion.
- protocolProfile subject protocol assertion.
- protocolSut subject protocol assertion.
- protocolTask subject protocol assertion.
- systemUnderTestClass subject systemUnderTest assertion.
- systemUnderTestLabel subject systemUnderTest assertion.
- systemUnderTestVersion subject systemUnderTest assertion.
- class predicate type assertion.
- protocolClass predicate type assertion.
- systemUnderTestClass predicate type assertion.
- systemUnderTestLabel predicate label assertion.
- comment predicate comment assertion.
- paper predicate citesAsDataSource assertion.
- protocol predicate hasFollowedProtocol assertion.
- produced predicate hasProducedDataset assertion.
- systemUnderTestVersion predicate hasVersion assertion.
- protocolMetric predicate usesMetric assertion.
- protocolSut predicate usesSystemUnderTest assertion.
- protocolProfile predicate usesProfile assertion.
- protocolTask predicate usesTask assertion.
- class object PerformedBenchmark assertion.
- protocolClass object BenchmarkProtocol assertion.
- systemUnderTestClass object SystemUnderTest assertion.
- protocolProfile object protocolProfileValue assertion.
- comment object commentValue assertion.
- paper object paperValue assertion.
- produced object producedValue assertion.
- protocol object protocol assertion.
- protocolMetric object protocolMetricValue assertion.
- protocolTask object protocolTaskValue assertion.
- systemUnderTestLabel object sutLabelValue assertion.
- systemUnderTestVersion object sutVersionValue assertion.
- protocolSut object systemUnderTest assertion.
- assertion hasStatement class assertion.
- assertion hasStatement comment assertion.
- assertion hasStatement paper assertion.