Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s ?p ?o <>. }
- st07 type Statement assertion.
- st01 type Statement assertion.
- st02 type Statement assertion.
- st04 type Statement assertion.
- st05 type Statement assertion.
- st08 type Statement assertion.
- st09 type Statement assertion.
- st10 type Statement assertion.
- st11 type Statement assertion.
- st12 type Statement assertion.
- st13 type Statement assertion.
- st14 type Statement assertion.
- st15 type Statement assertion.
- dataset type UriPlaceholder assertion.
- publisher type UriPlaceholder assertion.
- assertion type AssertionTemplate assertion.
- description type LiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- title type LiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- st03 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st06 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st16 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st04 type RepeatableStatement assertion.
- st05 type RepeatableStatement assertion.
- st06 type RepeatableStatement assertion.
- st16 type RepeatableStatement assertion.
- index type ValuePlaceholder assertion.
- license type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- protocol type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- reference type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- type label "is a" assertion.
- description label "has the description" assertion.
- title label "has the title" assertion.
- hasStatement label "includes" assertion.
- dataset label "URI of the dataset" assertion.
- Dataset label "dataset" assertion.
- description label "description of the dataset" assertion.
- publisher label "is published by" assertion.
- title label "title of the dataset" assertion.
- license label "has license" assertion.
- publisher label "URI of the publisher of the dataset (e.g., ORCID)" assertion.
- assertion label "Describing a dataset of LogP measurements for Noble Metal nanoparticles at summary level" assertion.
- identifier label "has index" assertion.
- index label "unique identifier of the assessed NP" assertion.
- OBI_0000272 label "has used protocol" assertion.
- protocol label "the URI of the protocol used" assertion.
- reference label "DOI or URI of the reference" assertion.
- references label "has reference" assertion.
- license label "the license of the dataset" assertion.
- 251020000324 label "LogP (Partition Coefficient) between octanol and water" assertion.
- STATO_0000237 label "standard deviation (n=3) of LogP values" assertion.
- NPO_274 label "shape of nanoparticle" assertion.
- NPO_1808 label "nanoparticle core composition" assertion.
- PATO_0000117 label "the size of the nanoparticle" assertion.
- ligand label "ligand(s) bound to each nanoparticle" assertion.
- EFO_0004368 label "the number of molecules of the ligand bound to each nanoparticle" assertion.
- NMR:1000868 label "the SMILES chemical structure of the ligand" assertion.
- st07 subject dataset assertion.
- st01 subject dataset assertion.
- st02 subject dataset assertion.
- st03 subject dataset assertion.
- st04 subject dataset assertion.
- st05 subject dataset assertion.
- st06 subject dataset assertion.
- st08 subject dataset assertion.
- st09 subject dataset assertion.
- st10 subject dataset assertion.
- st11 subject dataset assertion.
- st12 subject dataset assertion.
- st13 subject dataset assertion.
- st14 subject dataset assertion.
- st15 subject dataset assertion.
- st16 subject dataset assertion.
- st01 predicate type assertion.
- st07 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st08 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st09 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st10 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st11 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st12 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st13 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st14 predicate hasStatement assertion.
- st03 predicate description assertion.
- st02 predicate title assertion.
- st05 predicate identifier assertion.
- st15 predicate license assertion.
- st04 predicate publisher assertion.
- st16 predicate references assertion.
- st06 predicate OBI_0000272 assertion.
- st01 object Dataset assertion.
- st07 object 251020000324 assertion.
- st09 object NPO_274 assertion.
- st10 object NPO_1808 assertion.
- st08 object STATO_0000237 assertion.
- st11 object PATO_0000117 assertion.
- st12 object ligand assertion.
- st13 object NMR:1000868 assertion.
- st03 object description assertion.
- st05 object index assertion.
- st15 object license assertion.
- st06 object protocol assertion.