Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s ?p ?o <>. }
- resource type UriPlaceholder assertion.
- url type UriPlaceholder assertion.
- assertion type AssertionTemplate assertion.
- resource type LocalResource assertion.
- comment type LiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- name type LiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- st16 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st17 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st18 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st5 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st7 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st8 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- st9 type OptionalStatement assertion.
- resource type IntroducedResource assertion.
- st16 type GroupedStatement assertion.
- st17 type GroupedStatement assertion.
- st18 type GroupedStatement assertion.
- comment type LongLiteralPlaceholder assertion.
- AnalyticalMethod type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- DataProcessing type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- SamplePreparation type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- variable type ExternalUriPlaceholder assertion.
- type label "is a" assertion.
- label label "is called" assertion.
- url label "a link to a website with further information" assertion.
- wasGeneratedBy label "was generated by" assertion.
- seeAlso label "is further described by" assertion.
- label label "has the label" assertion.
- assertion label "Defining a Procedure" assertion.
- AnalyticalMethod label "analytical method" assertion.
- AnalyticalMethod label "analytical method" assertion.
- DataProcessing label "data processing method" assertion.
- comment label "description" assertion.
- variable label "variable" assertion.
- forVariable label "for variable" assertion.
- DataProcessing label "data processing" assertion.
- comment label "is described as" assertion.
- qualifiedUsage label "is qualified as" assertion.
- Plan label "prov Plan" assertion.
- qualifiedUsage label "qualified usage" assertion.
- SamplePreparation label "sample preparation" assertion.
- SamplePreparation label "sampling preparation method" assertion.
- st12 subject AnalyticalMethod assertion.
- st13 subject AnalyticalMethod assertion.
- st14 subject DataProcessing assertion.
- st15 subject DataProcessing assertion.
- st10 subject SamplePreparation assertion.
- st11 subject SamplePreparation assertion.
- st0 subject resource assertion.
- st1 subject resource assertion.
- st2 subject resource assertion.
- st3 subject resource assertion.
- st4 subject resource assertion.
- st5 subject resource assertion.
- st6 subject resource assertion.
- st7 subject resource assertion.
- st8 subject resource assertion.
- st9 subject resource assertion.
- st10 predicate type assertion.
- st0 predicate type assertion.
- st1 predicate type assertion.
- st12 predicate type assertion.
- st14 predicate type assertion.
- st2 predicate type assertion.
- st3 predicate label assertion.
- st4 predicate comment assertion.
- st11 predicate qualifiedUsage assertion.
- st13 predicate qualifiedUsage assertion.
- st15 predicate qualifiedUsage assertion.
- st7 predicate wasGeneratedBy assertion.
- st8 predicate wasGeneratedBy assertion.
- st9 predicate wasGeneratedBy assertion.
- st6 predicate forVariable assertion.
- st5 predicate seeAlso assertion.
- st10 object Activity assertion.
- st12 object Activity assertion.
- st14 object Activity assertion.
- st13 object AnalyticalMethod assertion.
- st15 object DataProcessing assertion.
- st11 object SamplePreparation assertion.
- st8 object AnalyticalMethod assertion.
- st9 object DataProcessing assertion.
- st7 object SamplePreparation assertion.
- st4 object comment assertion.
- st3 object name assertion.
- st5 object url assertion.
- st6 object variable assertion.
- st2 object Entity assertion.
- st1 object Plan assertion.
- st0 object Procedure assertion.
- assertion hasStatement st10 assertion.
- st16 hasStatement st10 assertion.
- assertion hasStatement st0 assertion.
- assertion hasStatement st1 assertion.
- st16 hasStatement st11 assertion.
- st17 hasStatement st13 assertion.
- st18 hasStatement st14 assertion.
- st18 hasStatement st15 assertion.
- assertion hasStatement st2 assertion.
- assertion hasStatement st3 assertion.